you need to know about employment this part will bring basic, but main information
on what an employer needs to know when hiring someone in a different country
for employment, in this fact information will be captured such as definition of
employer and employee, requirements for written employment agreements in any
country, consequences of harassment in the workplace, minimum wage requirements
and other.
This part, I will
be talking about China in heedful to YOU/ME. But I would be more
than happy to get suggestions from you, proofreader on the go, and soon we will
be given out gigs opportunity about jobs in any country ASAP and also any other
countries you want to see next on this part of fact of employment and where to
find employment.
Tips of employment
Here we go!!!
are the definitions of employee, independent contract and employer?
An employer is the sole-proprietorship or a person or organization that employs different kind of people,
hires, remunerates and manages the personal provision of services.
Independent Contractor: An
independent contractor is a natural person, business, or corporation that
provides goods or services to another entity under terms...The difference between
employee and an independent contractor lies on the requirements that one must
have to be an employee.
Employee: An employee is an individual who was hired by an employer
to do a specific job. The employee is hired by the employer after an application
and interview the legal definition of employee by the Labor Code is every
individual “natural person, never a legal entity” that personally renders
services on non-eventual basis “continuity”. As in most countries, it is very
important to correct classify the relationship to avoid the common issues with
independent contractors vs. employee definition in a business sector.
You” Is it necessary to have written employment contract
in china?
Me” According to the Chinese
law, the execution of an employment contract is not required; nevertheless, it
is important to note that this is common procedure in China as a country and
should be observed as a good practice for it.
You” Is there any specific rule in regard to the duration
of employment contracts?
Me” In China
and due to the principle of continuity, the general rule is that the agreement
is entered between the parties for an indefinite term of gig. The agreement for
a definite term is an exception to the general rule and should be entered in
writing before.
You” are there any rules in regards to favoritism
in employment?
Me”. Yes,
the Chinese Federal Constitution prohibits favoritism, although it does not
define what that is. It simply says that any difference in salary or
unequal treatment in relation to recruitment and employment is prohibited.
You “what are the rule regarding working hour?
Me”. In
China, the Federal Constitution and the Labor Code provides that the maximum
hours per week are 44 hours, or 8 hours per day. Employers must allow an
interval of 11 hours of rest between two working days.
You” are there any minimum wage requirement in China?
Me”. Yes,
Chinese government provides the established system of national Minimum
wages. The minimum wage is fixed every year by law, but some categories
also put in place their own professional minimum wage that cannot be inferior
to the national one.
Finally: foreigners
looking for employment in china should contact these!!
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